Survivor Insights 121: One World – The Biggest Threat (Episode 3)

THE UNLUCKIEST: Personally, it was not surprising that Matt went home.

Survivor is a game of numbers. That’s the first rule. You can’t change it. Even if you’re playing under-the-radar, when you got the right numbers on your side, you’ll still get far. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for Matthew Quinlan. He’s struggling with numbers from the beginning. He tried every possible angle to dig deep but all his efforts went south. Seven members of his tribe felt he’s the biggest threat in all departments (in terms of strength, intelligence, charisma). Even his alliance of four was not as strong as we’ve seen on TV. Bill voted against him and Jay chose to be with the “misfits” (Colton, Troyzan, Tarzan, Leif and Jonas). Only Mike stayed loyal with him but surprisingly, their votes were not on the same page. Matt voted against Colton while Mike, who probably thought Colton would play his idol, voted against Bill.

Since Survivor decided to end its season with the three remaining castaways in season thirteen, only two men as threatening as Matt (Yul in Cook Islands, Boston Rob in Redemption Island) made it to the Final 3. Yul was definitely the likeable castaway in his season but he was not seen as a biggest threat. Boston Rob was playing an excellent social game in season twenty-two but all his tribemates were soft. Boston Rob was not blindsided or whatsoever. Parvati was only the female survivor who was perceived as the biggest threat in Day 1 of Heroes vs Villains but successfully escaped the vote until she reached Day 39. Parvati, who was also not with the numbers, was an inch closer to a second title only if Sandra was not sitting beside her. Matt could have had Parvati’s fate and made it to the Final 3 should he remain lucky.

THE GOOD: This episode is mainly about the renaissance of Salani tribe. They were feeling wet and cold but it didn’t stop them from performing at their best during the challenges. It remains a mystery why the men were fools during the Reward Challenge. It was a memory game and it only requires them to recall the correct sequence of the items. I expected Matt or Jay to score a point but nothing happened. Manono was thrashed 0-5. In the Immunity Challenge, it’s a well-deserve win for Salani. When it came down to puzzles, the communication line among the women was more open and “in control” than the men.

WHO STANDS OUT?: Kim was a real stand-out during the Immunity Challenge. She’s clearly one of the reasons why Salani won. I never saw this hunger inside her in the previous episodes. Kim was in command and in total control all at the same time without “being obnoxious.” She was only instructing Sabrina what to do next yet, it completely looked like she was playing. It’s a wonder how Kim managed to picture the puzzle in her mind without the pieces in her hands.

THE BAD: Jay, according to Probst’s assessment, could be the season’s dark horse. Either it’s true or not, his decision to side with the misfits could put him in a bad position. Considering the five were tightly solid and they decided to bring him to the merge, he’ll still be a threat and like Matt, he might remain powerless and could be easily voted out.

EPISODE RATING: 7 of 10 stars! Now that Matt was out of the game for good, the pattern is getting predictable should the men lose next week’s Immunity Challenge.

Photo courtesy of:  CBS

8 thoughts on “Survivor Insights 121: One World – The Biggest Threat (Episode 3)

  1. I am enjoying you weekly rocks..Matt laid the pavement for his own much too soon brings doom is my theory.


  2. I would have liked to see Matt go further, but he messed up and admits to it in Rob C’s podcast. He felt he can control everyone and really just came off as a huge threat. He seemed like someone who given a second chance would go much further.

    As much as I didn’t want to see Matt go it was good for the women to get a win. I honestly don’t like their tribe. The first season is because they think the men should give them hand outs, when they would never help them out. (Even Colton is getting annoyed) Second they got very confident after their immunity win.

    What happened in the immunity challenge was the women were able to copy off the guys. The guys had a huge lead and had most of their puzzle done. However, the women were able to look at what Bill did and immediately catch up, so it was as if the lead didn’t matter.

    I think Jay made a great decision. He was on a sinking ship and got on a lifeboat. I don’t think the men are going to start to lose, but if they do Mike and Bill would go before him. That should get him to the merge and make him maybe the most likely to win individual immunity. Plus, he can jump over to the girls or even make an alliance involving both tribes. I don’t think Troyzan is in camp Colton for the long run. He knew it would be better to side with them now and get rid of his best competition pre-merge


  3. @Mike Matt’s biggest mistake was not having the right numbers and the right people on his side.A big mistake in which he can never have a chance of making it right even if he digs deeper.


  4. Agreed. He some how thought he had the dominant alliance with only four people. He must have started to alienate everyone else on his tribe, cause everyone not in his alliance seemed annoyed by him. Then he went up to Troyzan all wrong. I think if he went to and talked to Troyzan in a much different way instead of just talking strength he could have persuaded him. I think he should have talked about Colton and how he’s only a temporary alliance member, while him, Jay, Mike, and Bill were on the guys tribe for the long haul.


  5. @Mike I never perceived Matt as arrogant. I can only sense he just have a very healthy self-esteem as well as his confidence is high that each time he talks, he talks like a lawyer (sounding like he’s always prosecuting someone). As a result, he was always misinterpreted. The one of the reasons why no one believes he should stay when he’s defending himself.


  6. I always felt like what he was saying to the camera was different from what he was saying to the rest of the players. I guess not though.


Let me know what you think