Michael Jackson: Gone Too Soon

I have a confession to make…

I’m not a big supporter of Michael Jackson. This is my first post about his death and probably the last. But yes and it’s a huge yes, his death was a great loss to Rhythm and Blues. Although I have not bought any of his albums (even the worldwide bestseller Thriller), I once got hooked with his hits like You Are Not Alone and She’s Out of My Life.

Believe me, listening to She’s Out of My Life helped me move on with the insanity I have for a girl who I thought completes me. Hehe, but that’s long ago, I’m feeling all right now and yeah, I’m still young and that someone is still not far away from my reach.

Back to MJ….

I watched the late-telecast burial ceremony of Jacko last night. Wow, it’s my first time to witness an emotional-rollercoaster funeral service that took place in Staples Center. The event was nearly like watching a blockbuster movie. Some people were in doubts, questioning as to why the ceremony has to be televised. For me, I didn’t find traces of doubts if his funeral was viewed by the public. MJ was the King of Pop and the world deserved to see his final journey.

Lots of big names were in MJ’s funeral service (that includes his childhood sweetheart, Brooke Shields) but what stand-out the most (I might be biased in saying this) was Usher.

The moment he performed “Gone Too Soon,” I certainly felt the sorrow and grief of losing MJ. Usher’s heartfelt version of Gone Too Soon made me realize everything about MJ.

I see no reasons why I should care what Michael Jackson did while he was still alive. Yeah, MJ was beaten by hundreds of pedophile cases under his belt and it’s a disappointment to think about it. Let’s face it folks, pedophilia is a sexual attraction to kids and it’s rational to categorize it as a Disorder. This can maim others’ way of life but to be honest, this type of disorder can be stopped through therapeutic counseling. Whether you agree or disagree, there’s always a bigger picture of MJ. Every popstar is a human being and they also have their own has flaws. For those people who regular despise him, I challenge you Take A Look At Yourself and Make A Change!

The funeral ended with Paris Jackson giving her final remarks about his dad. Her words were simple, the type of statements we were expecting, yet it was still touching. Whatever we say, Michael Jackson was the man to be missed and he will be remembered always.

Let me know what you think