Are You Aware of the Ten “Workout” Commandments?

Stefan Pinto, a fitness model and a writer at, created his own workout commandments that are meant to guide us with the goal to get ripped. He claims these commandments are “not sacrament, these are certainly no less sacrosanct.”

ONE: Thou shall be well informed about form before using a gym machine, curling a dumbbell or lifting a barbell.

Even when doing presumably simple visual exercises, including bench presses, back pull-downs and biceps curls. Proper form builds confidence during exercises (and in life) as you are less likely to injure yourself (or others), ultimately making your workout more effective. And, proper form includes posture. The right posture automatically puts your body in the safest position and alignment for working out.

TWO: Thou shall make an attainable and practical goal — and stick to it.

No “six pack abs in two weeks,” or “big chest in three days” nonsense. Sticking to a goal involves writing it down, developing ways to reach your goal and assigning a practical deadline. A goal should not be confused with a dream; they are ambitions that are planned and progressively worked towards.

THREE: Thou shall not misuse supplements, elixirs and organic compounds with the  hope of increasing their efficacy.

This includes herbs and natural supplements. Ingesting anything other than the recommended daily allowance is akin to overdosing. This dangerous practice taxes our liver and kidneys, critical, blood cleansing organs, without which we could suffer incapacitating setbacks and possibly even death (not to mention missing the gym altogether).

FOUR: Thou shall take a day off.

The body must rest, regenerate and heal. Working out places a burden on our muscles which, in order to grow, must heal. Proper nutrition feeds the repair process and rest regenerates the muscles (and mind), ensuring better performance. Try switching up your days off: Sunday on one week, Wednesdays on another.

FIVE: Thou shall honor a personal trainer.

Find someone (preferably in the fitness industry) that you admire and do everything he does or did, within your capability. Eat his (or her) diet, follow their workouts, read about them. If this person is someone you know (or could easily know by way of introduction), ask them questions. Heck, ask them to train you. As you grow (inside and out), your avatar will inevitably change. Some inspiring mentors are Michelle Obama, Tracy Anderson, Paul Chek, Brendan Brazier.

SIX: Thou shall not endlessly punish oneself for failure.

Most of the time we create impossible (and quite possibly, ridiculous) scenarios that do nothing to help your present state of mind. If you have a practical goal, then it is easier to achieve success. If you eat a hearty meal, maybe mom’s delicious home cooking, that’s okay. You know you will make up for it. No one is perfect. Remember, “fall down seven times, get up eight.” And, don’t ever turn down (a) mom’s home cooking.

SEVEN: Thou shall not commit to implants.

Aside from the unnecessary and easily avoidable expense, implants are often obvious to everyone and possibly dangerous to the owner. Saline, notwithstanding, calf, chest, butt and biceps implants can be rejected by our bodies and cause shockingly horrific abnormalities. If you must pay, pay with patience. The results are more durable and look better. Besides, patience not only builds muscles, it builds character.

EIGHT: Thou shall not cheat.

There are no shortcuts to building a better body, properly losing weight, gaining strength or becoming a better person. It all comes from the inside and popping a pill for the sake of quickly achieving your goals is the broad road to a big disappointment. Perseverance pays (you).

NINE: Thou shall not lie to oneself.

Self doubt will cripple you. Avoid and refrain at all costs. Most often, this originates from conditioning (remember high school?) that we are bringing into our adult lives. You are stronger than you think and there are probably more people who believe in you than you realize.

TEN: Thou shall not dress affectedly.

Showing off one’s muscles, assets or other parts in an eager or gratuitous manner outside of a health facility is forbidden. This includes exposed armpits in tank tops during dinner, short pants at the theater and excessively tight clothes on an interview. It is best to be considered mysterious than desperate. Even better, imagine the delight when that special someone does see what’s beneath those well-pressed, perfectly fit attire.

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