How Will You Get Ripped Like Tyler Lough: Full-Body Workout for Men

Get ripped by performing the 60-minute full body workout three times a week.

The video below will show you 33 body exercises ideally made for fit men and those who want to lose or gain weight, courtesy of GymRa – your online personal trainer. Are you ready?

Tyler Lough performs exercises for the abs using a fitness ball.

If yes, wait no more. Please say no excuses. Please say no complains. Just grab a pair of dumbbells that weigh between 10 to 20 pounds and a fitness mat. Dumbbells are used for strength training while the fitness mat is used for core enhancement.

Make sure you’re in a calm outdoor environment like the one showed in the video below. Exercising outdoors is an advantage. You will have fresh air and chances are, there is a pool nearby if you have a condo all by yourself. Everything that surrounds you feels open and light.

If not, stay inside your bedroom. It is still possible. You just need to play the video below. Then, follow the routines in front of the mirror.

Remember: Follow the sequence as shown for great results.

The workout video is detailed, thorough and is an hour-long. It is divided into three major parts- stretching, strength training and core enhancement.

First is stretching, 01:00 – 13:07, Tyler performs the different methods in full body stretching to improve blood circulation and to prepare the body for strength training.

Second is strength training, 13:10 – 49:29, Tyler starts the training with angled lunges (13:10, 15 reps) followed by bicep curls (15:35, 30 reps alternating), behind the head DB tricep extensions (16:47, 15 reps), DB clean and shoulder press (17:52, 15 reps), leaning DB rear shoulder fly (20:03, 15 reps) and standing DB chest low fly (20:48, 15 reps).

At 21:26, Tyler shows you the side step DB squat (15 reps alternating) then military press with wrist twist (23:55, 15 reps), bent over DB rows (24:55, 15 reps alternating), DB straight leg deadlift (26:19, 15 reps), DB lateral raises (27:47, 15 reps alternating), DB concentration curls (29:16, 15 reps alternating) and DB front swing (30:53, 15 reps).

Strength raining continues with DB woodchoppers (32:40, 15 reps alternating) followed by bent over DB tricep kickbacks (34:32, 15 reps), deadlift with curl and press (35:21, 15 reps), squat with DB upright row (38:30, 15 reps), DB rear shoulder raise (39:36, 15 reps), backward step and lunge (40:52, 30 reps alternating) and single arm DB concentration curl (43:03, 15 reps switch).

This is an hour-long full body workout for men performed by fitness model, Tyler Lough.

The last four strength training covers DB front raises (44:33, 15 reps), curls balancing on one leg (45:54, 15 reps switch), squat DB thrusters (46:51, 15 reps) and concludes with DB push up and row (47:57, 30 reps alternating).

The last 10minutes of the video focuses on core enhancement with little stretching in between.

Tyler begins the routine with ab rotationals (49:32, 30 reps alternating).

It’s followed by side plank with rear delt raise (50:04, 15 reps), plank with hip side touch (51:45, 30 reps alternating), lying side v-sits (53:01, 15 reps switch), lying bicycle crunches (54:58, 30 reps alternating), reverse bicycle one leg (55:42, 15 reps switch), lying one leg (56:34, 15 reps switch) and seated leg pulls (51:58, 15 reps).

Finally, the 60-minute full body workout concludes with side-to-side heal touches (58:49, 30 reps alternating).

STATISTICS: As of the writing, Tyler Lough stands at six feet. He weighs 165 pounds, which is equivalent to 74.8 in kg.

He is 26 years old and was born in 1986.

He wants to stay fit all the time and challenges himself to stick around the body mass index not lower or more than 22.84 (Normal).

He is a fitness model and a good fit when hired by Gymra for this video exercise. All the procedures he performs are expected to tone your arms, shoulders, back, chest and abs.

To avoid burnout, a 60-second rest is required in between sets. Better yet, consult your doctor before performing the exercises.

James Marsden, who plays Cyclops in the first three movies of X-Men, hired Tyler Lough as his trainer in 2015.

Photos Courtesy of: GymRa Fitness Blog

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