Usher Raymond IV And His Workout Routine

R&B is an incomplete genre without Usher. Usher is both a bankable icon of the genre and a household name for years. For this reason, the US Billboard voted him as the #1 Hot Artist of The Decade (2000-2009).

How to get ripped like Usher

Of all the songs he has released, his trademark single “Yeah” is one spot away from Mariah Carey’s “We Belong Together” in Hot Singles of The Decade.

Usher is an accomplished entertainer and businessman. He’s an eight-time Grammy winner as of 2013 and to top all that, he’s also well-recognized for his physical transformation.

From a young and hopeful teenager in Call Me A Mack (1993) to a matured, perceptive man in There Goes My Baby (2010) to a sensual drummer in Good Kisser (2014), the world saw how his upper body improves.

Truth of the matter, every time you watch his video – you feel motivated to get a gym membership in an aim that one day, you’ll have a midsection like him.

How To Get Ripped Like Usher

People often assume Usher consumes loads of meat and carbs to achieve the ideal look of a fit superstar. Yet, to clear these things out. Usher is a vegan. He adopted a full vegetarian diet after his father died in 2008 due to sudden heart attack.

In case you wonder, a vegan diet consists of fresh fruits, oatmeal with walnuts, vegetable salad, soy yogurt, pancakes, whole-wheat pasta, healthy crackers, potatoes, nondairy products and vegan cakes for desserts.

The vegan diet proves to be successful. As in an interview for Men’s Health for which he’s the front cover during its 25th Anniversary issue, Usher revealed,

“If you eat clean, you get better results. Seventy percent of ab work is what you eat.”

But no matter how ripped he looks right now, it can’t be denied Usher began his career as an ectomorph teenager with a soulful voice.

Watch his video (Can We Get Wit It) from his 1994 studio album then compare what you see in the Good Kisser video below, which was taken twenty years after his debut.

It seems that there’s no turning back for Usher. He proved to himself that it’s possible to achieve the body of a millennial star.

With Cliff Byce as his personal trainer, Usher learns how to combine the right routines for his body, mind and voice.

“If you take care of your body, it’ll take care of you. The benefit obviously is that I’m protecting my body from being harmed. I did my best to prepare and condition my body over time. If I didn’t do this, I’d look a mess because of the lifestyle I live. I mean, the moment you go off, you notice the difference. You move slower.”

His workout routine includes a twenty-minute (20) meditation and visualization. Ten to fifteen (10-15) minutes will be spent for static stretching (pilates, yoga and body massage) before a thirty-minute (30) intense ride on a treadmill or a stationary bicycle.

Usher spends an hour in strength training. The training would include supersets and circuits in Arnold presses, V presses, modified lateral raises and pushups. For those who have wondered if Usher does a 24/7 routine to produce a six-pack, that’s not true at all. His abs might look great but believe it or not, he only spends ten minutes (10) for ab exercises.

For recovery, Usher spends five minutes in steam and another five minutes in cold shower. It’s believed that the contrast of hot and cold water stimulates blood flow. It tones his skin too.

Photo Courtesy of: ThatGrapeJuice

6 thoughts on “Usher Raymond IV And His Workout Routine

  1. Usher, Am the only Person here in Uganda who could cry for
    a Month when you die.
    I rely like you, your Music and what you inspired me to do, dancing.
    Usher i wish one day you will be here in Uganda.


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