SURVIVOR INSIGHTS 356: Season 46 | Finale Lesson of The Story

Episode 13 Review: The last two challenges of this season are amazing. One, these are not recycled challenges. Two, I love the one who wins the challenge. However, the end result is okay.

Maria was hungry to win her fourth immunity necklace when Liz all of a sudden helped Kenzie to win the challenge to vote out Maria.

For her threat level gone to the roof, Maria was voted out during the Tribal Council.

Charlie, Ben, Liz and Kenzie competed for the Final Immunity Challenge of the season. It was a time-pressured challenge that required them to solve a logo puzzle, while dividing their time to toss a ball into the gigantic Pinball Machine.

When the ball inside the Machine fell, the survivors had to pause and wait for the ball to roll back to them.

Unexpectedly, Ben aced this challenge with enthusiasm. He handled his time well between two different activities and win!

Ben had the power to choose who to vote out and who could potentially exit the game through fire-making.

Ben chose Charlie to sail through the Final 3 without stress.

For Liz and Kenzie, however, was crunch time. Kenzie collected herself and built the flame with a focus to win.

She won and sent Liz to The Jury table.

Jeff welcomed the Final 3 for their Final Tribal Council. The Jury of 8 expected thought-provoking responses From Charlie, Ben and Kenzie to earn their votes.

Charlie’s responses were calculated in a way he focused on numbers. These numbers told the story of how he played the game the whole time.

Ben’s responses were mixed of emotions and a level of self-awareness that was hard to find on Charlie’s responses, especially when he shared his advocacy on spreading good music among the young students.

Kenzie was a social butterfly when answering The Jury’s questions. She answered their questions unfiltered and at the same time, these were the truthful answers The Jury wanted to hear.

Kenzie’s answers were neither as objectively narrative as Charlie nor as likeable as Ben’s. She remained simple and injected her answers with passion.

It was a mystery why Ben did not receive votes. The final voting result favored Kenzie more by 5 to 3 than Charlie. 4 of 5 stars, GOOD.

Lesson Learned: “My game has been about adapting and knowing when to sit back and when to step up.” – KENZIE

More Lessons: Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12

Photo Courtesy of: CBS